Month: February 2022

Soulsborne games all sport an open-ended combat system that lets players tailor their equipment, spells, and stats to their preferred playstyle. However, each title offers audiences some guiding advice in the form of a class’ starting stats and equipment, and Elden Ring is no different. Recently, a small selection of gaming news outlets and content
The following contains Star trek: Discovery spoilers. Star Trek Discovery Season 4 Episode 8 It’s been a month since Star Trek: Discovery has been on our screens, so you’d be forgiven for hoping that the series’ return from its midseason break might at last offer up some answers about the big Season 4 mystery surrounding
Recently, many gaming news outlets and content creators got to dive deep into the world of Elden Ring thanks to a gated, six-hour sneak peek. Now that those lucky few have shared their experiences, we know a little more about one of the most intriguing locations on (or perhaps just slightly off) the game’s open-world
This Peacemaker review contains spoilers. Peacemaker Episode 7 There’s catharsis and then there’s “shooting one’s white supremacist supervillain father in the head with a Nazi-era luger pistol” catharthis. “Stop Dragon My Heart Around”, the penultimate episode of Peacemaker season 1 opts for the latter and is all the better for it.  “Stop Dragon My Heart
This Star Wars article contains spoilers for The Book of Boba Fett. Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, and Din Djarin finally faced down the Pyke Syndicate and ruthless bounty hunter Cad Bane in The Book of Boba Fett finale. What began with very brief negotiations soon broke out into a full-blown battle in the streets of
This STAR WARS: THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT review contains spoilers. With Tatooine and Boba’s soul on the line, the finale of The Book of Boba Fett had a lot to do. Not only did “In the Name of Honor” need to settle the score between Boba Fett, the Pyke Syndicate, and Cad Bane but it also
Camrus Johnson, who plays Luke Fox on CW’s Batwoman, also brought the character to the pages of Batman: Urban Legends #4 in a Batwing-focused short story. “I feel like I’m trying my best to corner the Batwing market as much as I can,” he jokes.  From the sound of things, Johnson isn’t done exploring Luke