
Back 4 Blood may be the most obvious Left 4 Dead successor we’ve gotten since Left 4 Dead 2 was released in 2009, but the game’s card system may leave you scratching your head and wondering what the best possible deck builds are. I ultimately feel like Back 4 Blood‘s card system offers it a
This article is brought to you by Horror Channel It’s October! We can wear layers again! We can have far too heated arguments about whether pumpkin spice lattes are the downfall of civilization or are literally just a drink! Kick leaves along the pavement and then stop kicking leaves because there was something wet in
This article contains major Lamb spoilers. Read our spoiler-free review here. Who is Ada’s father? It’s the question asked in the very first shot of Valdimar Jóhannsson’s Lamb, as an unseen person (or animal) treks through a frigid Christmas Eve snow, looking for comfort. I doubt I was the only viewer to be suspicious about
This The Walking Dead review contains spoilers. The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 8 One of the things The Walking Dead does better than most shows, especially shows that lean action/adventure or horror, is scale. There’s no shortage of zombie extras on The Walking Dead, and the show never hesitates to push for larger groups
This article contains spoilers for The Walking Dead season 11 episode 8. The Walking Dead and loathed cliffhangers: name a more iconic combination! The first third of The Walking Dead’s 11th and final season came to a conclusion Sunday night though calling it an “ending” is a bit generous. The closing moments of “For Blood”
Daniel Craig has been wistful throughout the No Time to Die press tour. Part of this is probably because—unlike his infamous grumpiness during Spectre’s rollout—he is promoting a very good movie. The bigger element though is that he knows it really is last call with 007. After the final interview is wrapped, and the lights
This Evil review contains spoilers. Evil Season 2 Episode 13 Take this, all of you, and eat it, for this is the flesh of one of the 60 demonic families, going back generations upon generations, and doesn’t refrigerate well. You think freezer burn is bad? It’s got nothing on the hellfire of tainted meat. The
When I first saw the original Ghostbusters, I didn’t get it was a comedy. It might’ve been because I was a shade too young, being about five or so, but when Bill Murray said no human could “stack books like this,” I believed him. Of course they couldn’t. The movie’s sarcasm didn’t come through, but